The budget is a key policy and planning document that outlines our Township's priorities for services, programs and infrastructure. Setting the budget is a balancing act between competing priorities – providing the high level of services that residents deserve and expect versus what we can afford.
As we begin building the 2025 municipal budget, we want to hear from you!
Please complete this brief survey and help us create a budget that reflects the priorities of local residents and businesses.
As you answer these questions, please remember:
- Your annual tax bill is made up of taxes from Adelaide Metcalfe, Middlesex County, and taxes paid to your preferred school board. This survey is just about the Adelaide Metcalfe portion.
- There are some services that municipalities are required to provide by legislation and some that may be limited by in how much room there is to reduce costs.
Hardcopies of the Survey are available at the Township Office.
The 2025 Budget Survey will be open until Friday, September 6th, 2024. Results from this survey will be presented to Council and will be posted on the Township website. Thank you for taking the time to comment.