If you own property in Ontario, you pay property taxes every year to fund services like:
- road maintenance and winter plowing
- public education
- emergency services like firefighting and policing
- waste management
- animal control
- and much more
Adelaide Metcalfe collects taxes for use by the municipality, Middlesex County and the local school boards.
How Property Tax is Calculated
The amount of tax payable on your property is based on:
- the assessed value of your property
- the type of property you own (property class)
- the tax rate for your property
Property tax is calculated by multiplying the property assessment by the tax rate.
The following video, made available courtesy of MPAC, offers an overview of how your property taxes is calculated: watch here.
Property Assessment & Classes
Property Assessment
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for assessing the value of all properties in Ontario.
- You can access the value of properties in your area through AboutMyProperty, a free, self-service application provided by MPAC.
- If you have assessment questions or complaints, contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.
Properties were to be re-assessed in 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic this has been delayed. Property assessments will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. This means your property assessment for 2024 property tax year will be the same as the 2020 tax year, unless there have been changes to your property. Please contact MPAC with any questions or concerns.
- Do you want to change the address to which your MPAC notices are sent? As a property owner, you will receive notices by mail from MPAC about your property's assessed value. If you wish to receive your notices at an address other than your property address, please visit the MAC website to change your mailing address online.
- Do you want to process a legal name change? Legal name changes MUST be processed through your lawyer.
- Do you disagree with your assessment? If you disagree with the assessment of your property, you can ask MPAC to review your assessment through the request for reconsideration process.
- Did you demolish or have a fire on your property? Did you not have normal use of your property due to renovations? Are there clerical errors in your assessment? A property owner may make an application under Section 357 or Section 358 of the Municipal Act for a refund of property taxes for the following reasons:
- Ceased to be liable to be taxed at rate it is taxed
- Became exempt
- Fire/Demolition
- Renovations that prevent normal usage
To apply, you must complete and submit the Application for Tax Relief Form no later than February 28 of the year following the taxation year to which the application relates. Please contact the municipal office if you have any questions.
Property Assessment
MPAC is responsible for classifying properties in Ontario. If you have a question about your property tax assessment, please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.
- Farm Properties that meet the eligibility requirements are taxed at 25% of the residential tax rate. An application for inclusion in the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program must be approved by Agricorp.
- Managed Forest Properties that meet the eligibility requirements are taxed at 25% of the residential tax rate. An application for inclusion in the Managed Forest Tax Rate Program must be approved by the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP).
Property Taxes - School Support
In addition to their responsibilities for assessing property values, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is also responsible for maintaining information on the school support associated with your property.
As a property owner, you are required to support a school system even if you do not have children or your children are not currently attending school.
- You can find which school system you are supporting on your Property Assessment Notice or through AboutMyProperty, a free, self-service application provided by MPAC.
- To change your school support designation, visit the MPAC website.
- Please note that a Separate School Lease Agreement is no longer required.
If you have assessment questions or complaints, contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722
Tax Rates
Property tax rates in Adelaide Metcalfe have three components:
1. Municipal Portion: The rates for the municipal portion are established by the annual budget approved by Adelaide Metcalfe Council.
2. County Portion: The rates for the county portion are established by the annual budget approved by Middlesex County Council.
3. Education Portion: The rates for the education portion are established by the Minister of Finance and are used to fund elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. Education tax rates are set under the Education Act.
Tax Rates:
Tax Billing and Payments
Please see Billing and Payments for full details.
Property Tax Assistance
Seniors and Disability Tax Assistance
If your property is assessed at $150,000 or less and you receive either the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors or if you have a disability, and you receive support through the Ontario Disability Support Program, you may be eligible for property tax assistance. Please contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722 for more information.
Property Tax Rebate for Registered Charities
If you operate a registered charity, you may be eligible for a rebate of 40 per cent of the property taxes paid if you meet the eligibility requirements. Please contact the municipal office for information.
Tax Certificate
Tax Certificates provide the current status of a tax account including taxes levied, payments made and penalties accrued (if applicable). They also confirm the owners and legal description of a property. Any current Drainage charges, Local Improvement charges and any other General Accounts Receivable balances (if applicable) are included on the tax certificate. A certified tax certificate may be ordered by written request to the municipal office. The following information must by included in the request:
- Owner(s) Name
- Legal Description
- Municipal Address
- Roll Number
- The fee for a tax certificate is $60 or $85 for rush certificate (24-hour)